Radish Stew

A Central Texas Gardening Journal

Monday, May 30, 2011

Eggplant Dishes

I like to cook Ratatouille, Fried Rice, and Lasagna all with eggplant. Sometimes I cook eggplant and toss it with soy sauce, sesame oil, and ginger. That's good hot or cold.

But now, I am going to try Eggplant alla norma. Thanks!
I will make a trip to the big city to find the right cheese!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

What is missing? What is new?

Pictured above is the harvest from yesterday. what is missing? No more corn. No more squash. It has been a good spring in the garden even without the needed rain. But now, on to summer time and tomatoes!

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Look at these beauts! 
Does anyone have a favorite eggplant recipe?

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Onion Harvest

Yesterday I pulled two rows of onions and one bunch of garlic. The day was mild, not even 90 degrees, with low humidity. I piled the harvest in two wheelbarrows and moved into the shade to process them. I brushed off the dirt and trimmed the roots. Then I began stringing the onions on large loops of twine. The garlic is braided and trussed with twine. Each bunch has a loop at the top for hanging. They are hung out to dry, as they say, in the studio. 

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Time to cook

Today is a great day for cooking because:
1. I picked all of these vegetables yesterday
2. It is RAINING! (.7")

Pictured above is corn, Calliope Eggplant, Asian Eggplant, green beans, squash, 4 types of lettuce, jalapenos, cherry peppers, carrots, fresh garlic, leeks, scallions, red, white and yellow onions, and that acorn squash that was growing in with the potted palm. I am cooking soup and fried rice. To accompany those dishes, lots of salads!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Our garden has an added feature of mystery. Since we use composted material in each row, we never know what might volunteer to grow in with the preferred vegetables. Pictured above is part of a large butternut squash plant which is growing in with the leeks and onions. Pictured below is an acorn squash growing in the pot with a palm. Since these squash plants have very similar leaves, we never know what it might be until it sets fruit.

Amaranth, above, volunteers aggressively. I usually pull the plants when they are smaller than this one.

I depend on basil to choose its own place to grow. We have been growing basil for 15 years, but rarely  have actually planted any. It is growing in with the cucumbers and in the lettuce and spinach bed.