Radish Stew

A Central Texas Gardening Journal

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Race to the Top

The cucumber plants seem more concerned with getting to the top of the fence than with being first to produce my long anticipated taste treat!

The can in the background holds fertilizers and is topped with something really heavy. I think it's a wheel from an antique farm machine.. 

Friday, April 22, 2011

Easter Dinner

This time of year is perfect for enjoying the many fresh vegetables and fruits available in our area. 
No ham and candy for me, thanks!

I will be eating salad of Romaine, Red Leaf, and Green Leaf lettuce with Cocozelle Squash and 
Easter Egg Radishes.

More First Blooms




Bush Beans


Also blooming are cantaloupe, tomatillos, butternut squash, jalapenos, and zinnias! 

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

First Blooms

Cocozelle Squash

Hot Cherry Peppers

Roma Tomatoes

Salad burnet

Bunching Onions

We got 1/4 inch rain, and lots of plants started blooming. Is it a coincidence?

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Loads of Lettuce

We are eating salads every meal these days. We have so much beautiful lettuce. Pictured above is a bed of Romaine bordered by Radishes.

I have transplanted lettuce around several of the tomato rows. The lettuce will be gone before the tomatoes are so large that they need all of their space.

This bed of mixed varieties includes some spinach. The Red Sails Lettuce by Botanical Interests has outgrown all of the others. The plant on the right of the bed is a native sunflower. 

The Red Sails lettuce is joined in this row by one stray carrot, one blooming cilantro otherwise known as coriander, and some Romaine and Swiss Chard which survived the winter! At the end of the row is a big pot of mint. To the left of the row is a row of garlic!

Thursday, April 7, 2011


We have been enjoying a bounty of lettuces, radishes, carrots, and green onions which together make a wonderful salad. My favorite topping for this salad is a Creamy Miso Dressing and Feta cheese. Pictured here, salad vegetables and Swiss Chard.